
Monday, December 30, 2013

House Update!! Finally!

L here!!!
So holy Shit Cakes its been soooo F-ing long since I have blogged!!
My house is so much further along since the last time I put up pictures!!  Well since the walls finally going up, we have had windows in siding done, roof on, electrical in, plumbing finished, septic is in, and all the walls are now insulated and ready for sheet rock!!

Whoop whoop!!

So damn excited you don't even know!!

so here are some pictures of the progress:

Walls up!!
 Roof Happening!!
 Siding and Roof going on!!
 Roof is going on and windows are in!!!

 Roof is done and siding is finished!!

 and finally the insulation is in and ready to be sheet rocked!!

this is all that has happened so far!! I will keep posting as the progress happens.
see you soon

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Time!

A here,

Christmas has officially arrived this week :) I love when family gets together and we share memories that will last a life time. Holidays are my favorite for this reason alone. Today I am wrapping up the finishing touches on some presents and cleaning my house. Tomorrow we are headed to my brother in laws house for our annual Christmas Eve dinner. On Wednesday we will head up to my mom's to celebrate Christmas with her side of the family and B and S will join us later in the week. Then we get to celebrate my nephews birthday! Such a magical and wonderful week awaits. I won't be blogging this week as I my sole focus will be on family.

Until next time,

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Craft Time

A here,

I don't do a lot of craft projects but when I do I always think it's something I should do more often. It took me a couple days to get this done. If I would have had everything I needed to begin with it only would have taken an afternoon though! I didn't take any before pictures...and I'm a little upset that I didn't!

Here is what I just finished up:
 Please ignore my still unfinished, torn down wall!

Turned out pretty cute huh?! The big letters are cardboard that I painted with 2 coats of acrylic paint. Then the letters are the side are wood that I super glued after I painted them. I really really like them :)

Until next time,

Friday, December 13, 2013

My Journey to Organization

A here,

This coming year I'm making a commitment to getting my life more organized. I like to think I'm pretty on top of my game when it come to certain aspects of my life...laundry, paying bills, appointments, keeping up on my house. These are all things I feel like I am in control of.

I'm just beginning the school process. My princess started pre-school this year and next year the little princesses will start. I decided to finish my degree and will be starting school again next month so any little things I can do around my house before then feels like an accomplishment.

My journey to organization started this week in my kitchen. I started with my pantry because it's a mess...I'll be honest with you I even cleaned up a bit before taking this picture because I was so embarrassed...

I try to keep all my baking supplies on the bottom can see they are taking over and are a big pile of blah! 

Since I moved into my home 4 years ago I have been on the lookout for big GLASS jars that I can put my flour, sugar, and other baking supplies in. I finally found them last week :) Here is how I dressed them up...

 I have a Silhouette machine and I used it to cut out the words with a super cute font! I didn't show the process but I pressed the cling wrap on top of the words and removed the white back so I could stick them on the jars 
 This is before
And this is after! 

I am so happy with them :) They are huge and hold a ton! I got rid of the ugly looking bags in the pantry and now everything looks so pretty that I want to keep them on my counter but they are so big it looks kind of silly! 

So this is a little itty bitty step to me becoming more organized. One step at a time right? Maybe today I will clean up the pantry a little more and make room for these and I will try and finish the other glass jars. I will keep you updated on my organization process!

Until next time,

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Soccer...what else?!

B here..

So I recently had a rash of shit because I don't ever post on this blog..

Well, I don't claim to be as amazing as A with her canning and freezing and food stuff.  I wish I was, but I'm not.  And I don't have a new house to keep me busy like L..nor do I have a bunch of littles any more (thank the heavens) like what do I have to offer?  

Soccer. Ass loads of soccer.  Soccer practice six days a week.  So much time sitting in a freezing cold indoor facility drinking a Starbucks.  I don't so much mind the Starbucks. 

So if you ever ask what I am up to after 3:30 on a weekday...the answer is usually - soccer.

Pretty soon though this will all be over and I will have to take up golfing and tennis just to keep myself busy.  I try not to think about how quickly it will all be over..that is a different post for a different day..

So here you go brats..a post about the shit that keeps me too busy to talk to any of you..hahaha!  

Love always,

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Apple Bread

A here,

My MIL has the most fantastic recipe for apple bread. Whenever I have an abundance of apples in my fridge or even just a few that might go bad in the "next few days" this is the recipe I turn to. My kids eat it like candy...needless to say it doesn't stay in our house long. 

Here is the process:
 Butter and flour bread pans
 Combine sugar, eggs, vanilla and crisco oil
 Add flour, cinnamon, and baking soda...add apples when mixed
 Divide the batter into the pans
Bake, let cool, then devour.
There is only one pan because we ate the other one...yes, it goes that fast :)

Here is the recipe:

Mix with mixer:
1 cup crisco oil
2 cups sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla

3 cups flour
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp baking soda
Mix well.

Add 3 cups chopped apples (about 3 medium apples)

Pour into 2 large loaf pans or 4 small - greased and floured

Bake at 350 for 55-60 minutes (depending on how many apples you add - I always add at least 5 - this time will go up!)

Cool - invert pans

If you try this recipe I hope you and your family enjoy it as much as we do!

Until next time, 

Monday, December 2, 2013

All Done

A here,

The tree is up and the stockings are hung! Christmas time in my house and all my decorations (I don't have many) are up. There is so much happiness and love in the air! My mom gave me some garland that she wasn't using and originally I was going to put it around the bottom of my T.V but decided to place it in my kitchen above the cabinets instead.

While Mr. Wonderful and I were cleaning out the shed I pulled out a ton of antlers. I told him that instead of keeping them outside in the shed we should but them inside and use them for decorations. He was on board with this plan! My goal in life is to have a moose themed kitchen. MOOSE EVERYTHING! How appropriate but to put the 3 moose sheds we have in my kitchen!

So the garland had to is what ended up happening with it.

I love the way this turned out! It's not the greatest picture in the world and please ignore the blinds! How embarrassing...I just noticed that! 

The cute Christmas town once belonged to my Grandma and Grandpa Clark. It's been 4 and 2 years since they passed and whatever little nick knacks I get of theirs I will take. I wasn't going to put it out this year because I have 2 little kids who seem to break all things precious! So when I decided to put the garland above the window I thought it was also the perfect place for them. 

Happy decorating from my house to yours

Until next time,

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Back to food

A here,

A couple workout posts and I feel like I need to post something about food! Thanksgiving was (as always) so much fun. I never turn down an opportunity to see family and when you throw in some delicious food. Forget about it. It's not really an option not to go! After the fantastic traditional Thanksgiving meal my aunt graciously gave me the carcass. I was going to make, and can, some turkey stock. She told me that she normally uses to make turkey soup the next day. DONE! So yesterday I started the process in the morning of making my own stock and then used that stock in turkey soup for dinner. This was the first attempt I made at the soup and I tell you what, I don't ever want to use those store bought stocks again!!!

Here's me at work:
 To the biggest pot I had I added the carcass (I didn't leave it whole so it would fit, break it up!), parsley, basil, bay leaves, carrot, celery and onion. Then filled it with cold water until it covered the pot wasn't big enough so I added it to the top :)
 After cooking for about 6ish hours on med-low heat the water reduced by a little more than half. So i strained it (obviously keeping the liquid). The bones feel apart making it easy to scrape off all the extra meat and add it back into the soup. I didn't want to through away the veggies in the stock so I pureed them in hopes it would make the stock a little thicker...

Sorry for the sideways picture! I forgot to rotate! So about the pureed veggies...that is why the stock in now orange :) I put the stock back on the stove top and added the rest of the celery I had and the rest of the carrot. (probably about 8-10 of each) Then I added the extra meat I scored off the bones and the meat that was sent home with me from dinner. I let that cook on low for about 2 hours (until the veggies were soft).

 These are the noodles I used. I wanted to use flat long noodles and I thought I was going to have to cut up some linguine but I spotted these from the corner of my eye! SCORE! I added them straight to the soup to let them cook. I put in more noodles than I intended to I actually added some hot water to the soup so the noodles wouldn't absorb all the deliciousness. After I added them i turned the heat up so the soup would boil. After about 20ish minutes we ate. 
 And this is the finished product picture you get because when the food was ready I wasn't about to stop myself and take a picture. My house smelt delicious all day and I wanted to enjoy some goodness.

This process was so easy! Put everything on the stove and forget about it. I never stirred  or looked at it while it cooked. In fact, I was mostly outside helping Mr. Wonderful clean the shed out and make a side door so we could park toys in there (lawn mower and snow machine). And better than it being that easy was how good it really was! The flavors...I can't. You just have to do it to know what I'm talking about. Also, the sense of accomplishment. When something takes this long to get done you hope it's good. To use something that way makes me feel good. I love doing things like this. It makes me want to use the leftover bones from the animals Mr. Wonderful harvests to make soup stock with. I could just go on and on...

Until next time,

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Workout 11/25

A here,

I am really loving the workouts we've been doing in class! I have recently "graduated" from using dumbbells to using the bar! I love getting stronger with each passing month :) I've come a really long way since I began this journey this fall. So I am going to share the workout we did on Monday. My abs are still killing me!

Warm up:
20 squats
20 push-ups
20 sit-ups

Buy in:
30 burpees

5 Rounds:
10 hang cleans (you do this with the bar - I used a total of 55 pounds)
20 v-up sit ups with a weighted ball (I used a 12 lb one)
10 air squats

Cash out:
30 burpees
400 m run

While I know that I can't do the entire workout at home it would be good to substitute the hang cleans with a 400 meter run. Or if you are feeling really up to it you can  forget the buy in and cash out and do the burpees and a run with the workout. I think I will try that once the kids go down for bed...

5 rounds:
200 m run
30 burpees
20 v-ups (no additional weight)
10 air sqauts

I challenge you to this workout and to post your time :) Let's get healthy!

Until next time,

Friday, November 22, 2013

Good Workout

A here,

I went and worked out last night and really liked what we did so I wanted to share it with you! It's something everyone can do at home and doesn't use anything but your own body weight! Here is the workout:

Do a 5 minute warm up. We jumped rope for 5 minutes and every time you messed up you had to do a burpee. But she said you could also run for 5 minutes. Anything to get your heart rate going.

Stretch! We always stretch for 5 -10 minutes before we do our workout of the day. Do a lot of leg stretches...

32 min AMRAP (you are going to repeat the workout for 32 minutes...push yourself to get as many rounds in as you can!)
400 meter run
5 push ups
10 burpees
20 sit ups
30 squats
40 walking lunges

Most everyone got right around 3 rounds in. I did 3 rounds, the run, push ups, burpees and 10 sit ups!

Like I said earlier, I really enjoyed this workout. We don't do cardio very often so it was a nice change of pace for class! I hope you try this and like it as much as I did. I am actually going to repeat this workout today!

Until next time,

Thursday, November 21, 2013

That time of year...

A here,

I realize that Thanksgiving hasn't even happened yet but I'm in the mood for Christmas decorations already. I spent the day with my mom yesterday and when I showed up at her house ALL of her Christmas stuff was on display. I love her house this time of year, it's so festive and inviting! We spent the day canning (post to come later) apple pie filling :) DELICIOUS! As I was leaving she gave me a wreath. So I'm going to share with you how I hung it up. Boring?...yes Genius?...absolutely!

 Take a command hook and hang it upside down on the inside of your front door
 Take a piece of ribbon and tie it to the back of the wreath

 hang the wreath and adjust the height
Cut off the excess ribbon
Boom! Beautiful wreath without and hole damage on the door :) LOVE IT!

Thanks Pinterest...
Until next time,

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

house update!!!

Hey Everyone!
L here...
So the progress on my house is going faster than I expected!!
I can't even keep up with pictures!!
But This is a picture of the framing......duh!!

The house is actually a lot further along than this, but I haven't downloaded them to my computer yet!!
My bad!!
But I will be doing that very soon and I will post the new pics shortly!

See you soon

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Holy Busy Life Batman!!! and Day 7ish of Challenge for L!

Hi Everyone!! L here....

man oh man I have finally got my life calmed down enough to start up on this blog challenge!!
Good God I have fallen behind.....  so I am going to pick up were I left off.... I know I kind of defeats the purpose....but I'm sure you will get over it!! hahaha

so Day 7:

Question: How have you changed in the last 5 years?

Well 5 years ago I was only a mother of 1. Now I am a proud mother of 3 beautiful girls!  I have a life full of Drama and the colors pink and Purple everywhere!! with tutu's and barbies and tea pots filling my house in every corner you look in..
I have moved away from everyone I know to start a life in a new state and a new town. Literally 15 hours away from everything I have ever known.  and to be honest with you, I thought it was going to be a lot harder.... I miss my family and my friends everyday, but its an exciting adventure that we are taking and I am thrilled that I get to share that excitement with the love of my life and my 3 princesses!!  we will move back eventually but living by the ocean is something that I get to say that I have done and I am glad that I get to check that off my list of things to do!
I have begun the journey of hiring my first personal trainer, and it is killing me. But I am ready to get my pre-pregnancy body back and I am willing to go to hell and back to get it!!  So the gym and a new clean eating diet are helping me get it and I am beyond pumped to see it!! I pictures when I feel comfortable with myself!! hahaha
The last 5 years have been exciting and I can't wait to see were I end up in the next 5 years!!

see you tomorrow

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Snow Season!

A here,

Winter has arrived and nothing is better for the kids than getting all dressed up and playing outside. Now that we have a big play structure outside they can do more than just throw snow in the air! We are enjoying the first month of winter and we hope you are too!

 On our way to the swing-set!

Until next time,

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Moving for family...again

S here!

I can't believe it has been since May! Ugh...I'm the worst!

Well...there has been a lot of changes that have been going on with me since then. I had a 3 year old turn 4, I've been experiencing all of the changes that a new baby goes through (rolling over, smiling for realizes - not just from gas bubbles, gut laughs, crawling!!!, sitting up, teething, get the picture), my almost 2 year old is starting to talk!!! Life's been moving by pretty fast, while seeming to stand still all at the same time. Funny how that happens.

There is a big development in my family's world that could be coming up VERY soon! The Hubby has applied for a new job that could take our family out of Utah and into Wyoming. Our moving at this point completely hinges on his securing the job, of course...but I am keeping my fingers crossed...tightly! The hope is to move right down the street from A and her family! Our kiddos are all right within the same ages and they all get along pretty well (the 1 year olds will come around, eventually!). So while the Hubby has been beefing up his resume, I've been scouring the web for properties for sale! Is it strange that I want a property that is fit for someone with horses, but I don't want horses myself? I just want a shit-ton load of land that I can do whatever the damn hell I want with!

I read all of these posts from A about her domesticated life and I want it...I want it bad! I can't wait to have a garden and call her up to recruit her superior canning abilities. Or come by her house to build a new piece of furniture for her home. Or just come over to have a tasty cup of coffee while the tricycle motors play together.

It's going to happen! I can feel it in my bones!

Talk to you soon!
Mwa - S

Friday, November 8, 2013

Big girl Beds!

A here,

Recently I wrote about how I was taking my twins out of cribs and putting them into their big girls beds! The day came and they have done so well. I have taken their second nap out so by the time bed time comes around they fall right to sleep and don't try to play. They aren't sleeping any later like I thought they would but I guess that's ok :) I'm loving getting all these "baby" things out and moving into "big kid" territory!

They are going to get more girly bedding for Christmas so don't judge too much...

Until next time,

Salsa AND Zucchini Relish

A here,

Yesterday I spent all my free time canning two different recipes. I had a bunch of zucchini in my fridge that needed to get used up and while looking through a canning book I came upon for relish. Done! I don't know if it tastes good but I am excited to try it out on some elk steaks! Here's the process (I didn't take too many pictures because I had so much going on, but you'll get the idea!)

Zucchini Relish
 Cut up a bunch of zucchini, peppers and onions
 Graab some canning salt
 Transfer the veggies into a pot and add the salt
 Fill the pot with enough water to just cover the veggies and let it sit for 3 hours
 This is where the pictures stopped...You boil some delicious spices and then add the veggies

 When it comes to a boil it looks like this...

And this is the finished product. I know the pictures are a little hit and miss but you can get the idea right?!

Here is the recipe:
5 cups finely chopped zucchini
1 1/2 cups finely chopped onions
3/4 cup each finely chopped green sweet pepper and red sweet pepper
1/4 cup pickling salt
1 3/4 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups white vinegar
1/4 cup water
1 teaspoon celery seeds
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1/2 teaspoon mustard seeds

1. In a large nonmetal bowl combine zucchini, onions, and green and read sweet peppers. Sprinkle the pickling salt over vegetables. Add enough water to cover vegetables. Cover, let stand for 3 hours

2. Drain zucchini mixture in a large colander set in sink. Rinse under running water; drain well.

3. In an 8- or 10-quart stainless-steel, enamel, or nonstick kettle or pot combine sugar, vinegar, the 1/4 cup water, the celery seeds, turmeric, and mustard seeds. Heat to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer, uncovered, for 3 minutes. Stir in drained zucchini mixture. Return to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes.

4. Ladle relish into hot, sterilized half-pint canning jars, leaving a 1/2-inch headspace. Wipe jar rims; adjust lids. Process filled jars in a boiling water canner for 10 minutes (start timing when water returns to boil.) Remove jars from canner; cool on wire racks

Chunky Homemade Salsa
 Prep the tomatoes 
 Seed and chop!
Finished product

Sorry for the total lack of pictures for the salsa! But the recipe is pretty easy to follow...

7 pounds of tomatoes (about 20)
10 Anaheim or poblano chile peppers*
3 jalapeno or serrano chile peppers*
2 cups chopped onions
1 cup vinegar
1/2 cup snipped fresh cilantro or parsley
1/2 of a 6-ounce can tomato paste (1/3 cup)
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
5 cloves garlic, minced

1. Wash tomatoes. Remove peels, stem end, cores and seeds. Coarsely chop tomatoes. Measure 14 cups. Place in a large colander. Let drain for 30 minutes. Place drained tomatoes in an 8-quart stainless-steel, enamel, or nonstick kettle or pot. Heat to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer, uncovered, for 1 to 1 1/4 hours or until thickened, stirring frequently.

2. Meanwhile, seed and chop peppers; measure 3 cups. Seed and chop jalapeno or serrano chile peppers; measure 1/3 cup. Add chile peppers, onions, vinegar, cilantro, tomato paste, sugar, salt, black pepper, and garlic to tomatoes. Return mixture to boiling; reduce heat. Simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes. Reduce heat. 

3. Ladle hot salsa into hot, sterilized pint canning jars, leaving a 1/2-inch headspace. Wipe jar rims; adjust lids. Process filled jars in a boiling-water canner for 15 minutes (start timing when water returns to boil). Remove jars from canner; cool on wire racks.

*Note: Because chile peppers contain oils that can burn skin and eyes, avoid direct contact with them as much as possible. Wear plastic or rubber gloves while preparing them. If your bare hands should touch a chile pepper, wash with well with soap and water.

Bot of these recipes I got from Better Homes and Gardens You Can Can Special Edition cook book.

Until next time, 

Halloween Fun

A here,

S came up to town on Halloween and it was so fun. Our kids are the same age so whenever we can get together it's a house full of loud, crazy, rambunctious kids :) The two oldest play pretty well with each other now. When they were little they fought all the time and didn't get along so now that they do it's fun to see them together. The one year olds are in the fighting stage now. They fight and at the same time want to's strange and cute at the same time.

I think for the most part everyone had fun and the kids got worn out (which is the best part for me)! Here's a picture of all the cuties dressed up for trick or treating fun

 Iron Man, Pink superhero, Spiderman, 2 Ladybugs and a Bunny :)

Until next time,

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 6 Challenge for L!

Question: Celebrity crushes I have/have had?

This one is Easy Peasy for me!!!

I will start with the ones I have had -

1.Vin Diesel....that voice, good God!!
2. JTT....when I was like 10, but he was a hotty for sure....if you don't know who that is, its Johnathan Taylor Thomas
3. Devon Sawa....again when I was like 10...
4. Paul Walker....Duh!
5. JC on N'SYNC
6. Justin on N'SYNC
7. Brian on Backstreet Boys

The current Hotties I am crushing on at the moment:

#1. Jason Stratham.....Holy Shit I love this Man.....his accsent, his body, his face....He is so damn Hot
2. Dennis Quaid.....He's just plain Hot
3. Dane Cook.....another Hotty, and he's funny, BONUS!!
4. Mark Wahlberg....need I say more?
5. Gerard Butler.....Yep!!!

So there you have it!!  My crushes

see you tomorrow, I need to go watch some movies now!! haha

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 5 Challenge for L!

Question: What irritates me in the opposite sex/same sex?

Well for women/girls:
1. Drama- us girls are chuck fucking full of it!!  Why?!?!  God himself is the only person who could answer that!! 
2. some girls like to wear the pants- I can not stand it when women feel like it is their duty to change someone because they feel they could be a better person.   I can't even begin to tell you how bad this bugs me. 
3. DRAMA!!! Need I say more???

and for Men:
1. they can loose weight with out even picking up a finger!! Ass Holes!
2. They can pee wherever they want to!
3. sometimes they have absolutely no sense of urgency when you need them to, but the minute you set foot into the bathroom to get ready for something 2 hours away, it seems like the world in crumbling because they have to wait 30 minutes for you to blow dry your hair and put some makeup on.   Heaven for Bid us women like to look good sometimes!!! 

LOL!!! I really struggled with this one, I have been sitting here in front of my computer for an hour trying to write this blog......hahahaha

I'll probably think of more and put some random post on here!!! But this is what you get from me today!!
see you tomorrow

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 4 challenge for L!!

question:  Put your Ipod on shuffle and list the first 4 songs that play!

Well...........I don't own an Ipod, don't judge me!

I have an I Phone with itunes, but I have never set up an itunes account, don't judge me!!

So what I am going to do is tell you my 4 favorite songs of all times!!
I'm an old school song lover, so some of my picks are kinda random...

#1 by far. "Beat It" - Michael Jackson (RIP) and really any of his songs are freaking amazing!!

2. "True" - Ryan Cabrera (My husband and I danced to this at our wedding!!)

3. "Not the Greatest Rapper" - 1000 Clowns (seriously why didn't they make it beyond this song???  I loved it!!  haha) know what I'm taking about!!!

4. "Get Out of My Dreams" - Billy Ocean (I loved this song in Elementary school) why? don't even have the slightest clue, but its awesome!!!

there you have it!!! my favorite songs that I have the best memories of!!!!

See you tomorrow!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 3 of Challenge for L!

Question:  What do you think people misunderstand most about me?

Shoot!!!   ummm.........I would have to say that it would probably be how family oriented I really am...
I absolutely love my family!! My aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, in laws, husband, kids, parents, sisters, nieces, nephews....just everybody in my family!!

I think that I have the best family that anyone could possibly even dream of having....I know at times I seem to be irritated with some of them, and I irritate the living shit out of them, but we get over it and move on.  I love that I can call up anyone in my family and there is no hesitation to pick up the phone, well that is how I feel anyway, It might not be the same with everyone else, LOL! 
I want my house to be the house were people feel welcome and comfortable enough to just walk in....and to know that my door is always open! 
I know I'm not close to a lot of my family members and I know I moved a lot and I just wasn't around..ever!.. but I want my family to know how much I love them!  How much I really do value the time we get together and how much I look forward to spending time with them in the future!!  You guys are truly the best friends I could have ever hoped for and I hope we always remain close. 

I'm one of the luckiest girls in the world and I have my family to thank for that!
Love you guys and girls!

Canning Season!

A here,

Whoo hoo!!! Canning season has begun and I am beyond excited about filling some jars. I currently have 25 pounds of tomatoes sitting on my table patiently waiting for me to open up and I have a drawer in my fridge full of zucchini. I found a recipe for zucchini relish that looks delicious so I'm going to give that a try and I am pretty sure I'm going to make salsa and ketchup with the tomatoes. I will post when I get it all done and let you know how it all turned out!

Today is going to involve a lot of moving for me. My little girls are going into twin beds today. Out with the cribs! You will have to wait for pictures of that too! I feel like I haven't blogged in too long so I just wanted to write a quick post and let you know what I am up to this week.

Until next time (which will be later today with pictures!),

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 2 of challenge for L!

L here:

so we are on Day 2!

Question: What kind of person attracts me?

  I would have to say that the person that attracts me is someone who is loyal, trustworthy, funny, easy going(isn't in a hurry all the time), spur of the moment, easy to talk to, adventurous, confident(not cocky-there is a difference), friendly, non-judgemental, open to try new things and are willing to meet new and different people.

I know that not everyone I meet has all of these qualities all rolled into one.  I like to be around people that are ok with being who they are and they are ok with who I am.

I'm not here to impress anyone, but myself.  so if you like me great, if not great!! 
I guess the main qualities that attract me are confidence, humor, and trustworthy!!  someone who isn't trying to win me over, someone who isn't going to pretend to be my friend, and someone I can laugh with about stupid things that don't make sense to anyone but us.

Believe it or not, I think that those 3 qualities are harder than it should be to find in people....sadly enough.

But yeah!! YAY for week 2!

see you tomorrow

Saturday, November 2, 2013

20 Day Blogging Challenge

Hi everyone.....L here!!
So I found this 20 day blog challenge on Pinterest!!
I think I will give it a go!!
So Day 1:
 I am Aquarius.   And holy Crap! it fits me to a tee!!  I looked up the meaning here
It basically says I'm shy and/or lively.  which I was very shy my whole life until I moved and was put in a very new environment in which I was not used to at all.  I am now very outspoken and voice my opinion pretty loudly when I feel the time is right!
It says I am simple, honest, loyal, artistic, poetic, highly intelligent, unhappy, unlucky, unsuccessful, medium height, rare faculties, self-esteem.
I agree with all of them except the unhappy part!  I am very much in love with my life and can't wait for the next days to come!
It says I make very seldom lasting friendships which is very true!! I believe that the only friends that I have kept my entire life are my sisters!! Love you guys!!
It even gives physical features......which are dead on......medium height, tall forehead, wavy hair, light eyes(mine are green), smaller figure(I don't know if I am small by any means, 3 kids!! just saying)

I don't know.....I think that I am Aquarius through and through!!
and I love it!!

see you tomorrow,


Hi everyone!! L here....
My kiddo's Loove Halloween!!
I think there favorite part is carving pumpkins and chowing down on all that delicious candy!!

 About 3 weeks ago, my kids were playing rock, paper, scissor with their Dad and I was watching them thinking, ohhh myyy I have 3 girls and what an awesome halloween costume idea!! So this is the result....
I never took pictures of the process, but I did make all of the costumes!!  they all had black pants and black long sleeve shirts.. 
I bought the grey and white fabric from walmart for like $5. and the scissors were made out of a box from Dads work and some spray paint bought at walmart for $5 also.

The ROCK(grey) fabric was almost like a light linen kind of fabric, but it was see through, so I had to buy 4 yards of it so I could double up on front and back.  Luckily it was on sale for .50 cents a yard! so BONUS!!!    I just cut out 4 circles. put 2 together and sewed around leaving a little bit of a space to flip inside out. I did this with the other 2 circles as well.  Then I put the 2 sewn pieces together and sewed around leaving spaces for her head, arms and waist to fit through.  FLipped it inside out again and then put a string through the bottom of the fabric so I could tie it tight aroung her waist after stuffing her with blankets and towels. 

The PAPER(white) fabric was flannel fabric.  I just bought a yard of it and cut it into 4 rectangle pieces.  I took 2 of the 4 pieces and I sewed blue lines going across the whole thing all the way down and then I sewed 1 red line going down the side.  you know to make it look like a piece of paper.  then I took one blue and red striped piece with a plain piece and sewed them right sides together leaving a space to flip inside out. repeat with the other 2 pieces.  I then sewed both rectangles wrongsides together. to give it that very square look....leaving a space of course for her head, arms and waist.....

The SCISSORS I took a box and cut out a scissor shape and then painted them with silver and pink spray paint...She had a blake and red tutu from last year.  so we reused that.

So there you have it!! for $10, I had 3 costumes in 1 day and I am already thinking about next year!!
     Smores...... BLT......